SWTOR: Full of Gungans!

Nothing in the Star Wars Universe draws more derision than Jar Jar Binks and his brethren, the Gungans.

SWTOR thankfully doesn’t feature the race, but it’s part of a comic called ‘The Dangers of a Star Wars MMO’ and you and check it out right here.

For what it’s worth, I think they’ve captured the nature of George Lucas perfectly!

Star Wars Shuffling for New Year’s Eve

It’s coming up to New Year’s Eve, so what better than seeing some SWTOR dancing to one of the year’s biggest hits. It’s not going to win any machinima awards but it’s a bit of fun so enjoy it for what it is:

[via David K at SWTOR Gamers of Oceania]

Darth Vader in Love

Time for some pre-Xmas humour, courtesy of the evergreen Darth Vader. I hadn’t seen this 2009 piece from the The Peter Serafinowicz Show, but it’s a corker:

Put your hand up if you’d buy a Commander Larkin suit? I mean female readers of course – I don’t want an affirmative answer from anyone else.

Upset about no SWTOR early access yet? Watch this

I think this may just be one of the funniest pieces of Star Wars humour yet:

Am I right? And did you notice the sobbing at the end was Star Wars music themed?

[via David K on the SWTOR Gamers of Oceania Facebook page]

A true Star Wars Christmas

No, I’m talking about getting through the first 25 levels or so of SWTOR by the 25th December. I’m talking about this obvious display of Xmas affection with a distinctly Sith tinge:

A Xmas tree that cool would just remove my Grinch attitude to the season, how about you?

[via Gail Muir]

Develop your own arsenal of Jedi mind tricks

Now that the beta is over, one’s mind turns to other Star Wars related activities. One obvious one is practising your own Jedi mind tricks.

Thanks to Reddit, there’s a great thread on just that. Some examples:

“Whenever you are negotiating take long…very long pauses before you ask questions. It makes people vomit the truth”

“If you’re being confronted by people handing stuff out, put your hands in your pockets or behind your back. If they’re in front of, you’ll somehow always end up with the flyer. Also, if you do take it, they may be encouraged to start talking it up. Take it, look at it, and then firmly hand it back. They’ll be so confused they’ll shut up. If a religious person asks you if you’re going to Heaven, tell them that you believe in God and you’re definitely going to Hell. If someone is going door to door, open the door naked. Or my favorite, open it just a crack, give them a scared look, and say something like “You gotta go quick, my mom/dad/roommate/SO is a (insert name of group that hates them.)”

There’s dozens more, but be aware some have some strong language. And try any at your own peril. Especially this one:

“If you want to keep the seat next to you free on a crowded train/bus/etc. Look at the people walking towards you and tap the seat with your hand.”

Thanks to TOROZ reader Phil for the heads-up!

Hulk vs Ewok: Hulk wins

It’s everything good Star Wars humour should be: short, sweet and actually funny!


Now if only someone would make Iron Man vs Jar Jar Binks….

Thugs fighting, Jedi style

I love a good ‘Star Wars in the real world’ vid and this one’s another one to add to the collection. Watch some ‘thugs’ engaging in some good old-fashioned buffo leading to some serious Jedi action.


Chad Vader visits Dragon Con

It’s time for our weekly humour post. At TOROZ we’re unadulterated Chad Vader fans, and he’s had a busy time over recent weeks attending Dragon Con. Aside from mixing and commenting on the fans, the second video below shows Chad meeting up with George Lucas himself – or does he?.


Gold: Dogs in Star Wars Costumes

Time for some mid-week Star Wars humour, this time thanks to Furious Fan Boys via one of our most dedicated readers, Gail.

Most people love dogs and most of us here love Star Wars, so does it get any better than these 20 shots of dogs in Star Wars attire? No, I thought not. For what it’s worth, number 14 is my favourite.

Now, if someone would only create a library of shots of Jar Jar Binks being mauled to death by rabid dogs, I could truly die happy.

Position wanted: for Emperor Palpatine

Thanks to Axzaril on our forums, we’re pleased to bring you this 2006 piece of comedy gold:

Admit it, you even laughed at the frying dog didn’t you!

Hitler and Darth Vader’s Views on the Pre-Order Segregation

SWTOR fan drivebypsychology has been on a roll over the weekend, cheering up the ‘red zone’ masses on the official SWTOR forums. He’s created two pieces of parody on the staggered release schedule for SWTOR.
