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World of Warcraft Dragonflight: An Expansion Like All Others
No laughing at my gear ok ;) The day has arrived, like so many WoW expansion launch days over the past 18 years. I only joined WoW at Burning
Starcraft II 4.11.0 Patch Notes
Arcturus gets his own co-op and so much more GENERAL New Co-op Commander and Announcer: Arcturus MengskControl the battle with an iron fist as
Flash Point 142: Buggered By A Brown Box
Who'd have thought it - the final episode of Flash Point! We spend some time reminiscing and thanking everyone who has been involved over the more
Flash Point 141: A Slew of Bitchers
We're back post Pax Australia with lots of game talk and also an announcement about the future of the podcast! - The future of Flash Point - What

SWTOR Knights of The Fallen Empire Details
You’ve got to love E3 and the lead-up to it. BioWare have not surprisingly been busy behind the scenes working on the next large expansion for SWTOR and they’ve unveiled it in a big way to coincide with E3. First, the trailer: For mine, this is easily the best trailer for the game since Hope […]
World of Warcraft News

World of Warcraft Dragonflight: An Expansion Like All Others
The day has arrived, like so many WoW expansion launch days over the past 18 years. I only joined WoW at Burning Crusade but that still means I’ve been here for WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA and Shadowlands. And of course, today’s launch of Dragonflight. Now, you’d think a company that’s launched these games […]
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Flash Point: Podcast

Flash Point 142: Buggered By A Brown Box
Who’d have thought it – the final episode of Flash Point! We spend some time reminiscing and thanking everyone who has been involved over the more than seven years the show has been running. We even do some gaming news as well! Please note: sentimental people may enjoy the old audio intros at the end […]
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Console News

Where Is The Abomination Heist Strike in Destiny?
Good old Bungie making things more difficult than they should be. If you’re looking for the Abomination Heist strike in Destiny, which is on the Moon, it isn’t called that when you look at the map. Instead it’s The Summoning Pits strike, but you need to ensure you set it to ‘Normal’ mode before launching […]
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The Secret World News

Secret World Legends Patch 2.1.5 Notes
PATCH HIGHLIGHTS The new Winter Cache is now dropping across the world! This arctic and frost-themed cache features a new Outfit, Pet, Mount, and a full set of Extraordinary Weapons! Winter Cache replaces Haunted Cache drops in the world. Haunted Cache, as with all previous caches, may still be traded and opened for their advertised […]
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World of Tanks News

World of Tanks Patch 8.5: The Leopard 1 Is Here!
Blitzkrieg is a regular column devoted to the very popular MMO World of Tanks. If you’ve got a topic you’d like our resident expert Matthew “Scope” Pearce to cover, drop him a line! G’day readers. First of all I would like to apologise for my absence over these last couple of months – real life decided someone […]
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General Oceanic Gaming News

Starcraft II 4.11.0 Patch Notes
Arcturus gets his own co-op and so much more GENERAL New Co-op Commander and Announcer: Arcturus MengskControl the battle with an iron fist as Arcturus Mengsk, the newest Co-Op Commander for StarCraft II.Feed an endless stream of cheap troopers into the meat grinder, softening your enemies for your Royal Guard to go in for the kill.Learn more … [More...]

Starcraft 2 Crashing on Mac
UPDATE: Patch has now been released which fixes the issue. Have you installed patch 3.1.5 and now find your Starcraft 2 install is crashing a few seconds after logging in? Well you're not alone. A thread on the Blizzard forums shows a long list of people experiencing the same thing. So hunker down for a further patch - hopefully it … [More...]

Funcom’s The Park Draws Near
27th October is when Funcom's The Park drops and the company are promoting a little pre-order offer that might interest. There's a 23% discount plus for The Secret World players there's some extra incentive: By Purchasing the game you will receive exclusive items in The Secret World when The Park launches later in October this year: You will … [More...]

Destiny: The Taken King – A Review
I'm going to jump straight into the review of The Taken King without a paragraph or four regurgitating the challenging first year Destiny has had. We all know the story of 'no story', so let's move on. The first thing that jumps out is the improvements in navigation (thanks as much to the Destiny 2.0 update). The quest screens, the communication … [More...]

Destiny 2.0 Patch Notes
2.0 Patch notes Just a quick update this morning now that patch notes are live. How’s that 18Gb patch? 2.0.0 - The one to prepare for Oryx. This update begins Destiny Year Two. It contains sweeping changes that will impact the way we all play. Prepare for … [More...]

Destiny: The Beta Is Over
Last week, in the Bungie weekly update, Deej let us all know that Destiny 2.0 would be going live on the 8/9/15. Sadly that was U.S. time as the Patch won’t go live until 3am on the 9th September AEST. Also sadly we still don’t have the final patch notes making it a little bit difficult to report on…… So what to write about? Well let’s get you … [More...]

Destiny: Summing Up Year One
Huge kudos to the team at Badass Gaming for this very funny summary of Destiny's Year One. It details in very humorous detail the infuriating shortcomings the game has had over the past twelve months but remains hopeful for the future. Or does it? Enjoy! Thanks to Ben McJannett for the heads-up! … [More...]

The Taken King: The Momentum Builds
For the longest time Bungie has been saying “We are listening.” As fans we have said again and again and again: “Prove it”. With each DLC and patch Bungie has shown signs they have been. But if all reports for The Taken King in the last couple of weeks is to be believed, I don’t think we will be asking them to prove it anymore and I really, really … [More...]
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