‘End Of Days’ In-Game Event for TSW

End of DaysFuncom have just posted a developer blog post detailing the in-game events for the ‘End Of Days‘ fun occurring at the moment.

There are going to be three Harbingers spawning in-game that will require some teamwork to bring down:

The Mayans called this Age’s Harbinger Bolon Yokte’ K’uh. The Mayans envisioned this as an anthropomorphic “God of Nine Destructions”. This may have simply been a way to cope with the incomprehensible. We’ve gone all the way with the “big dude with attitude” interpretation, and he’ll be a boss fight available for a limited time at two different difficulties in a corrupted El Dorado, run amok with blood sacrifices and dark storms.

Sounds like a bit of fun! There’s a contest running for players who knock over a bunch of Harbingers alongside El Dorado and the odd zombie, with the prizes being a unique pet and title.

Will you be going for the prize?

Start Your End of World Missions

TSW End of WorldAs we reported last week, The Secret World’s Alternate Reality ‘End of Days’ game is coming on December 21st. In the lead-up the fun’s already started, with two missions released to date. It doesn’t matter if you own TSW or not, although if you don’t own it you won’t be able to claim your in-game prizes.

Having done both missions so far I have to say it’s a lot of fun and the atmosphere of things syncs beautifully with the game. One shameful admission though, for Mission 2 I had to resort to spoilers to solve the investigation mission (and I’m so rubbish at maths morse code I gave up on those routes as well). Shame on me.

If you want to jump in and check it out, here’s where you go.

Now it’s over to you: have you enjoyed the missions so far? With mission two, which route did you choose and did you try to do them all?

The Secret World Halloween Event

Secret World HalloweenIn case you missed it, over at Funcom Senior Designer Tanya Short has posted a blog on the upcoming Halloween event for The Secret World.

It’s due to hit around the 15th October, and its epicentre is going to be Kingsmouth, so more advanced players will get to return to a starting area for some fun. Madame Rogêt and Deputy Andy get an increased role in the story and there’s a new PvE role for the Stonehenge area.

Have a read of the full post here but be aware there’s some potential spoilers so if you’re a purist who likes to be surprised, then maybe stay right here.

Over to you: are you pumped for the Halloween event?