Fellow Republican: Mos Eisley Radio

moseisleyradio Time for another shout-out to a fellow SWTOR site. This time it’s Mos Eisley Radio. Podcasts are the focus of the team, and mighty fine podcasts they are.

Production values are high, there’s plenty of news discussed and there’s also something to learn: I now know Mandalorians aren’t a race, instead being more like a guild or clan. It’s fair to say the duo presenting are a very knowledgeable pair, so tune in to try and catch an error – I think you’ll be lucky if you do.

A fun AND educational podcast – what else could you want?

Fellow Republican: Darth Hater

darth-hater One regular feature on TOROZ will be putting the spotlight on other SWTOR sites.

I thought I’d start out first with Darth Hater, which released their first podcast this week. It may be the first but they have a good patter going and cover a good range of issues. It’ll be interesting to see what interviews they score out of the upcoming Comic-Con. Overall, the site and podcast have great promise and hell, you can’t beat a good pun.

I’ve added these guys to my podcast feed and to our links. If you’ve got a blog or podcast to promote, drop us a line.