Flash Point 76: General Derkaderk and The King Of Snark

flashpoint-podcastA SWTOR-heavy episode (yes it does happen!) but there’s a good dose of other MMOS as well and some great listener suggestions for discussion points.

Points of discussion:

– 2.7: Invasion impressions
– new story arc – who is behind the curtain?
– Boston Cantina info provided on flash drives (link)
– PvP season 2

Jawa Junk Pile
– Setting up a gaming rig: piece-by-piece versus pre-assembled (thanks to @jayconnell for the suggestion)
– Is The Secret World still worth playing? (thanks to @jasonetheridge for this suggestion and the TESO point below) (link to TSW ARG info)
– The Elder Scrolls Online duplication bug
– Azeroth Choppers (link)

– Shout outs for our Facebook page, Twitter account, Simon’s Twitter account, Kris’s Twitter account and ODS-1’s Twitter Account. – And don’t forget to buy an Oceanic Gamer T-Shirt or thirty!

Please review or rate the podcast on iTunes if you can – it makes a huge difference!

Listen via iTunes, on Stitcher or right here: