Announcing: TOROZ reader for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

I’m really pleased to be able to announce the availability of the TOROZ Reader, an iPhone / iPad application for those interested in news and views about Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic.

You can download it here for free.

What is it?

It’s essentially an RSS reader with two sections. The first is our own RSS feed . The second is titled ‘Other SWTOR News’, and it features a range of SWTOR-related feeds from around the world. There’s only a handful at this stage but we’ll certainly be adding more – there’s been some issues with some Atom and RSS 1.0 feeds on some sites (including Bioware’s site unfortunately), which we’re working to rectify.

Current sites on the app include Darth Hater,, Jedi Archive Online, Mos Eisley Radio and Old Repub.

The ‘Submit a Story’ section is purely a contact form if you want to make contact or follow us on Twitter.

Why wouldn’t I just use my usual RSS Reader?

For some, a broader RSS reader may indeed be preferable. However, we’ve had a lot of feedback that people like a quicker option of a handful of feeds easily accessed. The TOROZ Reader is exactly that. And at under 200KB in size, it’s also doesn’t take up much room.

Can I suggest a feed to add?

Absolutely – just contact us with the details.

Where do I get support for this app?

Right here.

Are there plans to expand the app?

Version 2 is already underway – if you have suggestions for improvement, we’d love to hear from you.

What does the app cost?

Nothing 😉

Who developed the application?

This app is based on the architecture of the Metaverse Reader from our sister site, The Metaverse Journal. I do need to give a huge plug to the developer who created the application from the specification provided. Phillip Street is an Australian iPhone developer and TOROZ contributing writer who happens to live pretty close to me. I couldn’t be happier with his responsiveness and price competitiveness and I’ve already contracted him to work on the next version.

So if you have an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, give the TOROZ Reader a whirl and critique away!